If you have general questions, complaints, concerns, or need technical support, please contact the Nutrisense team at: support@nutrisense.io.
If you have a medical emergency, please call 911. If you have suffered a research-related injury, get the medical attention you need immediately. We encourage you to notify or consult your primary healthcare provider about participating in the study. If you have general questions, complaints, or concerns related to a medical issue related to this study, please contact our support team support@nutrisense.io .
If you have any questions or concerns about the research that you do not wish to discuss with Nutrisense, you can contact the institutional review board (IRB) who reviewed this study and ensures that the rights and welfare of research participants are protected at:
Salus IRB
2111 W. Braker Lane, Ste 100
Austin, TX 78758
Phone: 512-380-1244
If Salus cannot address your questions, and for all other inquiries related to this study, please contact Nutrisense directly at support@nutrisense.io.