The Dexcom G7 CGM sensor lasts for up to 10 days. CGMs are designed to work continuously and cannot be reinserted once removed. Please keep the sensor attached for the entire 10-day duration until the app shows that it needs to be replaced.
If you decide that you'd like to take the CGM off prior to the expiration, please reach out to customer support before it is removed through the in-app chat.
Each CGM is designed for a single use and can be discarded in the trash after 10 days, once the app indicates that it has expired. Please refer here for more information on how to remove your Dexcom G7 after expiration.
Not sure if your sensor has expired?
Check how to tell if your sensor has expired along with tips for removing your CGM!
We're here to support you every step of the way in your health journey. Feel free to reach out to our support team HERE or via the in-app chat if you have any questions or need assistance.