Make sure to also monitor your glucose statistics under the Trends tab on the main dashboard. You can view both your glucose statistics and charts. You can view this for the current day you have selected in the calendar or for a time range by adjusting the dates at the top.
The bar underneath each stat will be green if they are great, yellow if they are just okay, and red if some improvement is needed. The number to the left of each stat under “last” is your value for the previous day or range of dates. The value to the right under “change” is the change from the previous value to today’s value. In the image above, you can see the standard deviation for today is 10, while yesterday it was 9. So that is a 16% increase in standard deviation today.
Daily Average: This is the average of your daily glucose score.
Meals Average: This is the average of your meal glucose scores.
Average: The average of all the glucose readings in the selected date range. Lower average glucose is typically indicative of fewer glucose spikes. When enough data is gathered, it can calculate an estimated hemoglobin a1c value. A great average is below 105.
Glucose Variability: This reflects the amount of variability in your CGM readings. The larger the variability, the more you stray from your glucose average. It provides insight into your degree of glucose “swings” and your level of insulin sensitivity; the lower the number, the better. measurement for this is below 14. Important caveat: If you have major outliers, such as a one-time value of 400, this will alter this reading and cause an artificially high value.
Min: Your lowest glucose value within the selected date range.
Max: Your highest glucose value within the selected date range.
Time Within Range: The percentage of time that glucose levels are within the pre-set “green” area (70-140) in your Nutrisense app. The closer to 100%, the better. Important caveat: If you frequently have a fasting glucose < 70, this may alter your value. If you do not have any symptoms of hypoglycemia with this fasting value, then it is okay. You can adjust your upper and lower glucose thresholds under settings.
Variability: This is your median glucose value. This is less affected by extreme outliers than the average glucose number. Aim for a median around 105 or lower.
Sleep average: This is your average glucose during your fasting window. You can set this customizable window by going to settings -> user -> fasting window.
Morning average: This is the last two hours of your fasting window and can provide an estimated fasting glucose value.
There are also statistics available for ketones, macronutrients, and habits if you are choosing to track this information.
For more information, be sure to check out:
Measurements under Trends